Welcome to Cortland County’s STOP The Invasion program. Here you will find information and resources for dealing with the ongoing invasion of our lakes by various non-native and nuisance plants and animals.
They’re on the Move! - They’re on the move and we need your help to stop them! There are lots of invasive species nearby that have not yet reached Cortland County. We want to keep it that way! The yellow floating heart (Nymphoides peltata) is a perennial, rooted, aquatic invasive plant that resembles water lilies. The stems of this plant … Continue reading "They’re on the Move!"
What’s in the Water? - Aquatic invasive species are found throughout Central New York, including Cortland County. Most of these species were transported to our area or released from aquariums. Aquatic invasive species often grow fast and dense, creating a loss of native species and biodiversity. Rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) are native to the Ohio River Basin. They can grow … Continue reading "What’s in the Water?"
Invasive Species Awareness Week 2021 - Invasive Species Awareness Week is an annual educational campaign to help stop the spread of non-native plants, animals, and other organisms that cause disruption and adverse effects to the environment, economy or human health. Aquatic invasive species live in the water and can destroy habitat for native aquatic organisms, hinder recreation, and even threaten human … Continue reading "Invasive Species Awareness Week 2021"
BLUE GREEN ALGAE AND HABS - Have you seen strange looking algae or “pond scum” floating on your pond or lake? It’s not uncommon for these blooms to appear, especially during the hottest parts of summer. While most algae are harmless to humans, some can be problematic for the surrounding ecosystems, while others can produce toxins. Blooms that can be harmful … Continue reading "BLUE GREEN ALGAE AND HABS"
YELLOW FLOATING HEART ON THE HORIZON - Yellow Floating Heart is today’s invasive species of concern. This aquatic plant is a perennial invasive species native to Eurasia, and is now established on Long Island and in the Hudson valley. Floating Yellow Heart is named for its floating heart shaped leaves, 1-4” in diameter, that rest on the water’s surface, while attached to … Continue reading "YELLOW FLOATING HEART ON THE HORIZON"
CHINESE MYSTERY SNAILS HAVE ARRIVED IN CORTLAND COUNTY - Hopefully you are aware that Aquatic Invasive Species are a threat to local water bodies and natural lands. This week is New York State Invasive species awareness week, so there is no better time to learn more than the present. One new species of concern is the Chinese Mystery Snail. It was discovered recently in … Continue reading "CHINESE MYSTERY SNAILS HAVE ARRIVED IN CORTLAND COUNTY"
Invasive Species Awareness Week 2020 - Although this summer is looking very different than any of us expected a few months ago, one thing hasn’t changed: the boating and water recreation opportunities in the Finger Lakes region. While social distancing and taking precautions to stop the spread of COVID-19 you can still boat with your family on Little York Lake, fish … Continue reading "Invasive Species Awareness Week 2020"
DWYER PARK BUFFER COMPLETED! - A riparian forested buffer area was established in Dwyer Memorial Park along a section of Green Lake and its outlet in the Town of Preble. Green Lake feeds into the upper part of Little York Lake which empties directly into the West Branch of the Tioughnioga River. Little York Lake, Green Lake and Goodale Lake … Continue reading "DWYER PARK BUFFER COMPLETED!"
STOP the Invasion! Cortland County’s AIS Prevention Program - Keeping cool in Cortland County can be easy with our many lakes and rivers. With the increasing summer temperatures activities like swimming, fishing, and boating in our local waters are on the rise. Imagine this: It is a nice summer day, you take your family out to the lake, the kids are swimming, some of … Continue reading "STOP the Invasion! Cortland County’s AIS Prevention Program"
County Wide AIS Program Enters 2nd Year - Summer is finally here, and people are beginning to get out on their favorite waterways and beaches. People from Cortland County especially get to enjoy the aesthetic beauty and many activities that our waterways have to offer. Tully Lake, Little York Lake, and the Tioughnioga River are just a few of the more popular boating, … Continue reading "County Wide AIS Program Enters 2nd Year"